“I-grow” grows with you. It aims at baby & kiddy. It helps those little boys and girls to store information, communicate with others, play with their buddies, and to access the world through Internet.
Entry Details
Our passion comes from the moment when we were born, as being a baby!
Everyone once was a blank piece of paper, clear & pure. We experience and learn through our whole life. Those data were imprint into our brain, put on paper or store in our PC.
Our concept is therefore generated from this starting point. We don’t have any PC that target mainly for baby and kids. Is there a need over there & how should they access this PC? What’ll be the unique features for them? Our “I-grow” therefore will be a very "personal" one. It will be the 1st computer of the user. It will record the information of babies right from the date of birth. “I-grow” will evolve, sustain, and adapt to its users’ life style by means of software/interfaces. “I-grow” will assist the little kids to explore their own world!
We will concentrate on the babies and kids; those below the age of 12 as our target user group.
For the babies, they must be stayed with parents most of the time. Their parents will therefore mainly use “I-grow” to record information of them.
As for the kids, they will start to use the “I-grow” to learn, to record, to play and communicate with other kids. “I-grow” will be one of the most important tools for them to use frequently.

This design should be fun, hi-tech, colorful and “cool” to use! It aims at kids’ market; which could not be just hi-tech equipment with advanced interfaces. It should be easy to access and understand visually by the kids.
Market for sure is here. There is no major competitors there, but there certainly have potential users waiting.
The most important issue is, the user starting from their very early stage to use “I-grow”, establish brand loyalty from date one. They will continue to generate needs on new software and interfaces according to their needs on lifestyle. In turn, “I-grow” also acts as the very personal device to record the user’s daily life pattern. Those data will be very variable for future product development.
One gimmick design, we in cop “Windows” logo in a clever way on our “I-grow”. This somehow is to implant the icon subtlety to the market.
The size will be around A3. It allows the target user to draw, write and interact freely; no matter under what kind of conditions for indoor or outdoor activities.
“I-grow” should be a mobile device, it must be easily to store and carry. “I-grow” therefore will require be a foldable device.
Innovation is coming from the market and user!
No matter Apple, Dell, HP…they don’t consider PC being a tool for kids; or even for babies. Only those toys inside ToyRUS may target for kids. Nevertheless, those are TOYS, not a PC. Even X Box, PSP, Nintendo, Wii…they positioned themselves as TV games rather than usable PC for kids.
We identify the unique market with huge potential for both hardware & software development.
No one on earth will escape from technology now; PC therefore should develop something particularly for babies & kids. It’s a matter of how it will be, not to neglect this special user group.

New born babies…All parents including myself wanted to record my own baby’s face, tiny little movement and smiling starting from day one! “I-grow” will be the device to do that. It has input to record that information & customize it to belong to the only baby of yours.
Kids…plenty of development stages that kids will get through. During early age around 3, they start to touch objects whatever they like. When they grow older, they are quite energetic and play a lot. As time goes by, the elder kids will tend to read more, staying with buddies to hang around, and start to access their surroundings through every kinds of channel. “I-grow” will need to achieve such conditions according to the kids’ growing.

The I-grow basically with 2 bars & a rewinding color screen.
The screen is a touch monitor for input data & access programs.
The bar accompanied with a digital cam, speaker, wireless transmitter / receiver for data & recharging.
The bar also has a release button to slide the screen out. The power will turn on when the screen slide out.
The form is soft with dynamic section to suite the kids’ energetic character. The bar gets rid of sharp corners avoided to hurt the kids. The bar is coated with rubbery strapping surface. The cabinet is mold with bright color. All these approach are to attract kids eyesight.
i-grow also comes with a carrying case. The kid can carry the I-grow like a sword; make them look so cool!
The priority goal to achieve on technology is to invent a thin, durable & flexible color screen that with clear display & able to fold easily; 2nd is to develop an efficient wireless power recharging technology.
This device needs to be small, light weight. It can fold & unfold without damaging itself easily.
i-grow has built in wireless rechargeable battery that allow 12 hours usage. It will then require recharging wirelessly. Hard drive will be a small one with sufficient memory size for daily use. The data will automatically / wirelessly to transfer to home server or Internet personal storage.
The device also needs a small & efficient motor to rewind / release the screen smoothly.
We assume this device will be a futuristic design within 5-10 years. Nowadays technology will not achieve above 2 major requests; but we can foresee that the technology can be achievable based on the existing know-how to develop further.

The whole concept is to design a sustainable device that the user will use it from the date of birth. The user will continue to use it unless it really damaged. The evolving element will be on the software & Internet mainly. Accessories will be minimal & according to the user life style to provide. Thus I-grow really reduces hardware consumption.
Heat will be ventilated through the small holes underneath the bar.
The cabinet will be made by injected PC & small parts in silicon rubber.