The Flux PC concept is an evolution of today’s portable computing system. The PC takes on new shape as the input and storage devices become compact, more adaptable and fashionable. The system revolves around a wearable bracelet, which interfaces wirelessly with a portable display. The bracelet holds the users personal and valued digital information while the display incorporates a larger viewing area and multimedia devices. The display is needed for instances when up-scaled viewing and interfacing is needed. The system can interface wirelessly with a portable display or other computers. This display is very economical, with core touch screen and display ability, as well as environmentally friendly materials. The bracelet is a very personal, customizable product which has materials to reflect its value.
Passion This system enhances existing wearable decorative elements by providing an enhanced computing experience. The individual is no longer bound to a device that dictates its use to the individual. Instead the user dictates his or her use to Flux. The very appearance of Flux can change daily as the user up loads and edits content and then sets it to outer appearance of Flux. The system learns subtle and not so subtle differences from the user’s interaction and gesture. This enables the system to anticipate reactions and become very “personal” to the user. This system will enhance the user’s ability to use the system for everything from chat to travel. The system in turn becomes much more familiar and personal to the user, like a virtual “friend”, the system even encourages interaction between the user and other users.Users’ Culture & Lifestyle For the many people, computing on the go can be a cumbersome process. This system learns the habits and idiosyncrasies of the user, it grows with the user. Current mobile personal computing systems may appear intimidating for older users, and somewhat rudimentary for younger users. This system not only empowers the user with personal and business mobile computing, it brings people together in a new way. The devices recognize other devices in its environment, encouraging not only virtual interaction, but physical interaction by alerting the user when another user is in proximity. This type of recognition would enhance everyday activities such as shopping and socializing to camping and exploring. The device enhances the experiences of the user by “breaking the ice” between users socially as well as enhancing access to information and resources.

Market Viability The primary intended market for this product is the cutting edge tech-savvy up and coming youth market. However, the abilities of the system are limitless, due to the fact that so many industries and groups could benefit from the use of such a network. By making the technology so much more fun and engaging, the majority of people who are intimidated by existing technologies, (including people who hate typing on microscopic keyboards) would be more willing to try it. The portable display provides up-scaled interaction when needed. Since the system learns so much about the user, it helps the user stay informed and up to date on the latest products and services available that would appeal to them, stimulating so many other markets.
Size The portable devices are no larger than traditional rings, necklaces, and various other traditional ornamental items. The portable display measures approximately 10” x 12” x .5”
Overview of Design There are many innovative aspects of the system from the upgradeable fashion ability to the 100% recyclable/reusable display feature. The most exciting and innovative aspect is that the technology and the user become intimate with each other, and encourages long term sustainability. This sustainability is reinforced with ever-expanding capabilities in customization and application. The wrist device may exist on its own, complimented but not dependent on the display device. The technology would enable family, friends and business associates to stay connected and closer than ever before, with shared information and accessibility.

User & Context Although this system could integrate into anyone’s life, users who benefit the most from the device are average individuals who may have never even used personal portable electronics in the past. Its usage becomes an enhancement of their daily lives, rather than a hindrance. Since it adapts to them, there is very little that the user has to learn. Some individuals may prefer to use them just to chat, while others may prefer to use the system as a diary. The business possibilities are equally endless, from personnel and equipment tracking to scheduling and instant project updates.
Scenarios of Use The user of this product may go about his/her daily life with the technology in the background. The user may casually respond to a warming or vibration sensation triggered by a device as a reminder of an appointment or perhaps a medication. This feature may also serve as a gentle alarm clock. As the user carries on with daily activities, the devices collect and store valuable data to reference at a later time. Occasionally, a friend may signal hello or send a quick jingle or recording that may be amusing. The users of this system are not forced to go outside of their comfort zone, and may choose to use the device in an active or passive manner. At the end of the day, the device may be removed and placed on an inductive charging dish. The dish may also serve as an automatic mass data back-up system if the devices are lost or stolen. Additional services such as periodic off site wireless backups may be completed as scheduled by the user.

User Interface By building on existing proximity, touch sensitive interfaces and gestural recognition software the system accepts input unlike traditional keyboards. The user can simply flick his or her wrist and change the menu or display screen. The user can also move a finger across the surface to search for letters to begin forming sentences. Similar to existing logic, the system anticipates the probability of a word based on the letters selected. As time goes on, and the system is more familiar with the user and person and/or program being used, entire sentences and phrases may be anticipated. Flux also communicates to the user in new and different ways. Imagine being woken up by an alarm which gently warms your wrist until you are awake or an unusual pulsating feeling when you pass a friend or family member. This higher level of touch feedback is at the core of the flux bracelet. This type of interaction will enhance the experience between PC’s and users.

Aesthetics The user may select a variety of “core” systems that are easily upgraded as needed. The longer the system is used, the more personal the appearance and experience. The color, graphics, and display can change as much as the user wants them too. It’s as easy as searching for a material or taking a picture, and the Flux outer OLED skin will imitate that aesthetic. This device can be integrated into any fashion or culture. As the system learns the user, the user becomes very emotionally attached, not only to the fashion aspect but to the convenience. For example, as the system learns the behavior of the user, it can contribute to the well being and safety of the user as well. For example, an avid bike rider may choose a specific trail recommended by the system based on prior ability. Future interactions may include scheduling activities, strategies, routines, and even diet plans, becoming a virtual trainer to help you achieve certain goals.
Technical Aspects The interface technologies of this system are evolved from today’s touch sensing systems. They sense both deliberate and subtle responses through proximity awareness and temperature differences. The devices are passively scanning for other systems and displays to interact with. The display unit may be recognized and used as larger viewable surfaces are needed.

Ecology The wearable system is inherently a long-life product, reducing waste. Any decorative elements that are snapped on are made from natural materials such as colored glass or metals. These accents may be traded with others or 100% recycled materials. Furthermore, the display unit module is easily exchanged if the housing becomes old or damaged. The display unit is a modular design, with snap enclosure housings that are made entirely from evolving processes such as compressed natural wood bi-product based materials. The housings are easily reconstituted or may be discarded as 100% biodegradable material.
Manufacturability Current manufacturing would feature injection molded magnesium with potted components. This configuration would provide high strength with optimum protection. The bracelet display consists of an injection molded polishes polycarbonate domed surface over a flexible touch screen membrane. The solid state miniature components are encapsulated within the structural material for enhanced strength and impact protection. This solid state configuration requires no moving parts and minimizes vibration, eliminating noise. The metal draws current from surface plate charging, and also serves as conductor, grounding, antenna, and heat sink. The decorative elements are made from cast or injection molded natural materials such as glass or metal. The display is comprised of a removable sealed module and outer housing made from injection molded wood based products. The surface plate charging system is an evolution of existing charging plates with the addition of automatic data transfer.
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