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“I-grow” grows with you. It aims at baby & kiddy. It helps those little boys and girls to store information, communicate with others, play with their buddies, and to access the world through Internet.

Entry Details

Our passion comes from the moment when we were born, as being a baby!
Everyone once was a blank piece of paper, clear & pure. We experience and learn through our whole life. Those data were imprint into our brain, put on paper or store in our PC.
Our concept is therefore generated from this starting point. We don’t have any PC that target mainly for baby and kids. Is there a need over there & how should they access this PC? What’ll be the unique features for them? Our “I-grow” therefore will be a very "personal" one. It will be the 1st computer of the user. It will record the information of babies right from the date of birth. “I-grow” will evolve, sustain, and adapt to its users’ life style by means of software/interfaces. “I-grow” will assist the little kids to explore their own world!

Users’ Culture & Lifestyle
We will concentrate on the babies and kids; those below the age of 12 as our target user group.
For the babies, they must be stayed with parents most of the time. Their parents will therefore mainly use “I-grow” to record information of them.
As for the kids, they will start to use the “I-grow” to learn, to record, to play and communicate with other kids. “I-grow” will be one of the most important tools for them to use frequently.

Market Viability
This design should be fun, hi-tech, colorful and “cool” to use! It aims at kids’ market; which could not be just hi-tech equipment with advanced interfaces. It should be easy to access and understand visually by the kids.
Market for sure is here. There is no major competitors there, but there certainly have potential users waiting.
The most important issue is, the user starting from their very early stage to use “I-grow”, establish brand loyalty from date one. They will continue to generate needs on new software and interfaces according to their needs on lifestyle. In turn, “I-grow” also acts as the very personal device to record the user’s daily life pattern. Those data will be very variable for future product development.
One gimmick design, we in cop “Windows” logo in a clever way on our “I-grow”. This somehow is to implant the icon subtlety to the market.

The size will be around A3. It allows the target user to draw, write and interact freely; no matter under what kind of conditions for indoor or outdoor activities.
“I-grow” should be a mobile device, it must be easily to store and carry. “I-grow” therefore will require be a foldable device.

Overview of Design
Innovation is coming from the market and user!
No matter Apple, Dell, HP…they don’t consider PC being a tool for kids; or even for babies. Only those toys inside ToyRUS may target for kids. Nevertheless, those are TOYS, not a PC. Even X Box, PSP, Nintendo, Wii…they positioned themselves as TV games rather than usable PC for kids.
We identify the unique market with huge potential for both hardware & software development.
No one on earth will escape from technology now; PC therefore should develop something particularly for babies & kids. It’s a matter of how it will be, not to neglect this special user group.

User & Context
New born babies…All parents including myself wanted to record my own baby’s face, tiny little movement and smiling starting from day one! “I-grow” will be the device to do that. It has input to record that information & customize it to belong to the only baby of yours.
Kids…plenty of development stages that kids will get through. During early age around 3, they start to touch objects whatever they like. When they grow older, they are quite energetic and play a lot. As time goes by, the elder kids will tend to read more, staying with buddies to hang around, and start to access their surroundings through every kinds of channel. “I-grow” will need to achieve such conditions according to the kids’ growing.

User Interface
The I-grow basically with 2 bars & a rewinding color screen.
The screen is a touch monitor for input data & access programs.
The bar accompanied with a digital cam, speaker, wireless transmitter / receiver for data & recharging.
The bar also has a release button to slide the screen out. The power will turn on when the screen slide out.

The form is soft with dynamic section to suite the kids’ energetic character. The bar gets rid of sharp corners avoided to hurt the kids. The bar is coated with rubbery strapping surface. The cabinet is mold with bright color. All these approach are to attract kids eyesight.
i-grow also comes with a carrying case. The kid can carry the I-grow like a sword; make them look so cool!

Technical Aspects
The priority goal to achieve on technology is to invent a thin, durable & flexible color screen that with clear display & able to fold easily; 2nd is to develop an efficient wireless power recharging technology.
This device needs to be small, light weight. It can fold & unfold without damaging itself easily.
i-grow has built in wireless rechargeable battery that allow 12 hours usage. It will then require recharging wirelessly. Hard drive will be a small one with sufficient memory size for daily use. The data will automatically / wirelessly to transfer to home server or Internet personal storage.
The device also needs a small & efficient motor to rewind / release the screen smoothly.
We assume this device will be a futuristic design within 5-10 years. Nowadays technology will not achieve above 2 major requests; but we can foresee that the technology can be achievable based on the existing know-how to develop further.

The whole concept is to design a sustainable device that the user will use it from the date of birth. The user will continue to use it unless it really damaged. The evolving element will be on the software & Internet mainly. Accessories will be minimal & according to the user life style to provide. Thus I-grow really reduces hardware consumption.

Heat will be ventilated through the small holes underneath the bar.
The cabinet will be made by injected PC & small parts in silicon rubber.

The Flux PC concept is an evolution of today’s portable computing system. The PC takes on new shape as the input and storage devices become compact, more adaptable and fashionable. The system revolves around a wearable bracelet, which interfaces wirelessly with a portable display. The bracelet holds the users personal and valued digital information while the display incorporates a larger viewing area and multimedia devices. The display is needed for instances when up-scaled viewing and interfacing is needed. The system can interface wirelessly with a portable display or other computers. This display is very economical, with core touch screen and display ability, as well as environmentally friendly materials. The bracelet is a very personal, customizable product which has materials to reflect its value.
Passion This system enhances existing wearable decorative elements by providing an enhanced computing experience. The individual is no longer bound to a device that dictates its use to the individual. Instead the user dictates his or her use to Flux. The very appearance of Flux can change daily as the user up loads and edits content and then sets it to outer appearance of Flux. The system learns subtle and not so subtle differences from the user’s interaction and gesture. This enables the system to anticipate reactions and become very “personal” to the user. This system will enhance the user’s ability to use the system for everything from chat to travel. The system in turn becomes much more familiar and personal to the user, like a virtual “friend”, the system even encourages interaction between the user and other users.
Users’ Culture & Lifestyle For the many people, computing on the go can be a cumbersome process. This system learns the habits and idiosyncrasies of the user, it grows with the user. Current mobile personal computing systems may appear intimidating for older users, and somewhat rudimentary for younger users. This system not only empowers the user with personal and business mobile computing, it brings people together in a new way. The devices recognize other devices in its environment, encouraging not only virtual interaction, but physical interaction by alerting the user when another user is in proximity. This type of recognition would enhance everyday activities such as shopping and socializing to camping and exploring. The device enhances the experiences of the user by “breaking the ice” between users socially as well as enhancing access to information and resources.
Market Viability The primary intended market for this product is the cutting edge tech-savvy up and coming youth market. However, the abilities of the system are limitless, due to the fact that so many industries and groups could benefit from the use of such a network. By making the technology so much more fun and engaging, the majority of people who are intimidated by existing technologies, (including people who hate typing on microscopic keyboards) would be more willing to try it. The portable display provides up-scaled interaction when needed. Since the system learns so much about the user, it helps the user stay informed and up to date on the latest products and services available that would appeal to them, stimulating so many other markets.
Size The portable devices are no larger than traditional rings, necklaces, and various other traditional ornamental items. The portable display measures approximately 10” x 12” x .5”

Overview of Design There are many innovative aspects of the system from the upgradeable fashion ability to the 100% recyclable/reusable display feature. The most exciting and innovative aspect is that the technology and the user become intimate with each other, and encourages long term sustainability. This sustainability is reinforced with ever-expanding capabilities in customization and application. The wrist device may exist on its own, complimented but not dependent on the display device. The technology would enable family, friends and business associates to stay connected and closer than ever before, with shared information and accessibility.

User & Context Although this system could integrate into anyone’s life, users who benefit the most from the device are average individuals who may have never even used personal portable electronics in the past. Its usage becomes an enhancement of their daily lives, rather than a hindrance. Since it adapts to them, there is very little that the user has to learn. Some individuals may prefer to use them just to chat, while others may prefer to use the system as a diary. The business possibilities are equally endless, from personnel and equipment tracking to scheduling and instant project updates.

Scenarios of Use The user of this product may go about his/her daily life with the technology in the background. The user may casually respond to a warming or vibration sensation triggered by a device as a reminder of an appointment or perhaps a medication. This feature may also serve as a gentle alarm clock. As the user carries on with daily activities, the devices collect and store valuable data to reference at a later time. Occasionally, a friend may signal hello or send a quick jingle or recording that may be amusing. The users of this system are not forced to go outside of their comfort zone, and may choose to use the device in an active or passive manner. At the end of the day, the device may be removed and placed on an inductive charging dish. The dish may also serve as an automatic mass data back-up system if the devices are lost or stolen. Additional services such as periodic off site wireless backups may be completed as scheduled by the user.

User Interface
By building on existing proximity, touch sensitive interfaces and gestural recognition software the system accepts input unlike traditional keyboards. The user can simply flick his or her wrist and change the menu or display screen. The user can also move a finger across the surface to search for letters to begin forming sentences. Similar to existing logic, the system anticipates the probability of a word based on the letters selected. As time goes on, and the system is more familiar with the user and person and/or program being used, entire sentences and phrases may be anticipated. Flux also communicates to the user in new and different ways. Imagine being woken up by an alarm which gently warms your wrist until you are awake or an unusual pulsating feeling when you pass a friend or family member. This higher level of touch feedback is at the core of the flux bracelet. This type of interaction will enhance the experience between PC’s and users.

Aesthetics The user may select a variety of “core” systems that are easily upgraded as needed. The longer the system is used, the more personal the appearance and experience. The color, graphics, and display can change as much as the user wants them too. It’s as easy as searching for a material or taking a picture, and the Flux outer OLED skin will imitate that aesthetic. This device can be integrated into any fashion or culture. As the system learns the user, the user becomes very emotionally attached, not only to the fashion aspect but to the convenience. For example, as the system learns the behavior of the user, it can contribute to the well being and safety of the user as well. For example, an avid bike rider may choose a specific trail recommended by the system based on prior ability. Future interactions may include scheduling activities, strategies, routines, and even diet plans, becoming a virtual trainer to help you achieve certain goals.

Technical Aspects The interface technologies of this system are evolved from today’s touch sensing systems. They sense both deliberate and subtle responses through proximity awareness and temperature differences. The devices are passively scanning for other systems and displays to interact with. The display unit may be recognized and used as larger viewable surfaces are needed.
Ecology The wearable system is inherently a long-life product, reducing waste. Any decorative elements that are snapped on are made from natural materials such as colored glass or metals. These accents may be traded with others or 100% recycled materials. Furthermore, the display unit module is easily exchanged if the housing becomes old or damaged. The display unit is a modular design, with snap enclosure housings that are made entirely from evolving processes such as compressed natural wood bi-product based materials. The housings are easily reconstituted or may be discarded as 100% biodegradable material.

Manufacturability Current manufacturing would feature injection molded magnesium with potted components. This configuration would provide high strength with optimum protection. The bracelet display consists of an injection molded polishes polycarbonate domed surface over a flexible touch screen membrane. The solid state miniature components are encapsulated within the structural material for enhanced strength and impact protection. This solid state configuration requires no moving parts and minimizes vibration, eliminating noise. The metal draws current from surface plate charging, and also serves as conductor, grounding, antenna, and heat sink. The decorative elements are made from cast or injection molded natural materials such as glass or metal. The display is comprised of a removable sealed module and outer housing made from injection molded wood based products. The surface plate charging system is an evolution of existing charging plates with the addition of automatic data transfer.

T-Horizon ( Touch-horizon)

Designer(s): Harsha Kutare, Somnath Chakravorti

Taking flexibility of digital technology to the next level:

• Sleek folder design with detachable processing unit for portability or safety and textbook feature for reading books or noting meeting minutes. Double-sided transparent flexible screens
• Three expandable/ foldable/ flexible screens with extra-wide central view for better readability and enhanced clarity and detailing and multi-application facilities
• Multi-touch screens with touch evoked resizable keyboards & stylus input modes
• Smart 3D projection module and inbuilt web-cam/ conferencing facility
• Eco-friendly shock proof flexible digital textile material with heat sinks. Wireless operations using Bluetooth enabled devices
• Ergonomically flexible usage – spread horizontally on table, use the compact version while standing or sitting etc.

T-Horizon aims to target the creative right brain of design enthusiasts, overloaded with mundane left brain stereotyped functions by presenting them a wider canvas, multiple applications, 3D modeling, multi-touch screens and optional touch evoked keyboards.

Simultaneous keyword search, shop items online, drawing, chatting with experts performed easily using multiple applications across multi-touch screens. Smart 3D eliminates the tiring task of creating mental models.

Waiting for a rendering to complete? Watch your favorite video on other screens. Habituated to reading paperback design journals? Flip open the T-Horizon and read like a book, flip pages and live the age-old experience.

Difficult to read plan views, navigation maps on a vertical screen? Remove the CPU from the T-Horizon and spread it flat on the desk.

Constrained for space, taking notes, trying to maintain privacy of your concept drawings? Lift upper flap of T-Horizon & use the portrait or landscape format.

Users’ Culture & Lifestyle
The audience for the T-Horizon is a successful designer in his late 20’s and early 30’s who has an innovator waiting to be unleashed. An extravagant outgoing person, he likes a lot of traveling, is looking to develop that breakthrough product which will make him/her famous.

Multitasking on various projects effects a designer psychologically and high mental pressure leaves him less time for innovative thinking. T-Horizon would aid him by providing multi-tasking facilities, reduce his overall workload and inspire innovative thinking by providing a wide canvas of multiple applications and on touch design functionalities.

Market Viability
The product will be popular amongst aspiring designers at the launch of their careers, looking to make big in the crowded design creativity space. Priced moderately, it would be affordable by individuals and would also appeal to companies promoting creativity and innovations.

With huge amount of investments into infrastructure design, innovative concepts modeling, digital gaming systems (the list continues) – in developed and developing nations, an ergonomically designed PC with multitude of features promoting operational efficiencies and immaculate clarity of presentation would sell like hotcakes.

It would also be viable for all target markets where multi-tasking (visibility across several information sources) is essential – stock markets, corporate meetings, travel agencies, secretarial jobs, scientific research, and last but not the least, the lazy entertainment freak.

Hence, though built for a niche segment, the t-Flex would appeal to a larger audience.

The following are the broad dimentions of the t-Flex:

Folder open:370mm * 255mm
Folder closed:255mm * 185 mm
Detachable CPU: 265mm * 53mm * 30mm

Overview of Design
The T-Horizon would be the first of its kind designer’s notebook with multiple wide multi-touch screens and a 3D projection facility – a designer’s dream come true. With the capability to support multiple applications simultaneously and spread out facility, the designer can multi-task his work and simultaneously search, chat, compare, shop.

What more, the portable CPU doubles up as mobile phone & extendable Hard Drive. Bluetooth enabled interaction, in-built web conferencing facility, sleek folder finish, finger/voice recognition secure login system, eco-friendly material with innocuously placed heat sinks, sleek notebook design with retractable stand make the T-Horizon a unique, highly innovative product.

Dual display (both sides of the screen & portrait cum landscape), multi-touch sliding flexi screens, touch evoked keyboards combine current & future “flex & touch” technological innovations into a single notebook – The t-Flex!!

User & Context
The users of this concept as described earlier would be techno-savvy designers and artists with an edge for innovation. However the target group is also cautious and hence has a permanent salaried job which brings along with its normal pressures.

The simultaneous use of multiple applications would help him to multi-task and reduce normal workload and free up time for innovative thinking.

When he is designing new concepts, he now has the luxury of multiple wide screens, smart 3D viewing, web-conferencing and a host of other applications.

Scenarios of Use
During conceptualization
• Wide drawing central screen with multi-touch features, stylus inputs & touch evoked keyboards provide best platform to develop concepts quickly
• Side screens to search for standards, materials online, chat with co-developer, read articles etc.
• Smart 3D representation for easy visualization of final product

During Presentation
• In-built web-cam for web based conferencing for brainstorming, concept valuation
• Multiple screens for presentation, concept drawing and third for design calculations and 3D viewing as required

While traveling
• Looking through maps, places to visit and scanning travelogues simultaneously
• Handy detachable CPU can be used as mobile communication device
• Reading e-books in paperback fashion

During meetings
• Use a notebook using stylus
• Simultaneous viewing of company reports, competition data and future strategy presentation & taking notes

User Interface
T-Horizon aims at complete flexibility in working with multiple input methods and output mediums:

1. Open flap and use as a notepad using stylus. Handwriting recognition, direct conversion to text.
2. Drag and drop functionality
3. Multi-touch interaction for easy zoom, flip, rotate and other functions
4. Touch evoked keyboards on each screen to input data
5. Extra-wide centre multi-touch screen to facilitate work on large drawing concepts
6. Smart 3D projections at the touch of a button
7. Detachable CPU can be used as mobile phone and USB drive
8. Stretch flat on desk after detaching CPU
9. Simple to fold and carry/store as a folder
10. Both portrait and landscape schemes available

The smooth fabric finish and the flexi screens touch the eye instantaneously. The smooth edges, the transparent glistening multi-touch screens with the aesthetically placed web-cam all add to the beauty. The detachable CPU which doubles up as mobile device.

The small and handy design with the native look of a notebook makes it different from the notepad. The Smart 3D application & biometric security system add to the aesthetics.

Technical Aspects
The following would be path breaking technological advances in the t-Flex:

1. Innovative multi-touch screens for easier drawing on the same screenfrom the remotly placed people
2. Sliding screens - operational with whatever areas of the screen is slid out
3. Drag and drop functionalities between screens
4. Super-conducting material of the CPU and fabric/ material for the flaps and screens
5. Mobile interfacing of the CPU detachable unit
6. Highly advanced wireless and Bluetooth functionalities
7. Touch invoked keyboards and stylus inputs
8. Reduction in size of the processing unit to the minimal
9. Smart 3D projections
10. Multiple operation modes – portrait and landscape

The T-Horizon has been built keeping a close focus on ecology in the following aspects:

The folder flap material digital fabric material which is eco-friendly & the fabric ensures heat dissipation and no wastage of energy. The screens are made of flexible biodegradable material to enhance reusability and recyclability. There are strategically located heat sinks for heat dissipation. An almost wireless operation reduces use of cables etc. The electronic components are encased carefully to ensure repair and reuse. There is absolutely minimal use of plastic and other non-biodegradable items.

The T-Horizon is suitable for a process setup manufacturing. The flaps and screens can be manufactured using extrusion casting and cut to requirement. The assembly is simple and includes discrete units which can be manufactured on separate lines. The mechanisms have been kept simple – slide out mechanism for screens, flip open flaps, electromagnetic detachable CPU, pull out telescopic monitor stand. A biometric recognition system removes mechanical locking requirement.

Multiple wide area screens and fabric material ensure easy heat dissipation. The material of the CPU unit would be close to superconductor with sound absorbent coatings and would have heat sinks. The absence of a fan assembly would reduce noise levels to minimal levels.

The Cup

Finalist Designer(s): HYE RYOUNG CHEON, HYUH JIN LEE

In the future, the usage of computer will be more intuitive and simple than now. People will not need to learn how to use PC and the computer system will have effect on behaviours of user's everyday conduct, like using a cup.

The concept 'The Cup' is inspired by people's common behaviours in everywhere and every moment. Especially, usage of cup is one of the most general and daily behaviour. In offices, home, even at shops, we can see and use them.

Through the observation of actions such as collecting cups, putting on the desk them, and pouring water into cups, we will suggest an innovate way of dealing information and data in our future.

Entry Details
‘The Cup' intends users to operate PC more friendly and instinctively in terms of simplicity of usage. As daily objects, users can access and use PC without complicated instructions.

Users’ Culture & Lifestyle
The potential users of 'The Cup' are people who want to be more familiar with their computers. PC had not been unique technologies any more with use. Watching moves, listening music, some times give a present (valuable information) via 'The Cup' to friends. Therefore users desire earnestly for simplicity PC and sub late complex one.

Particularly, they may adore restoration culture and behaviours. This is because high technology and complicated high tech culture can not awake interest from customer. Analogues and echoism may attract users by naturalism and nostalgia. Their attitude and taste may have a huge influence on the society, culture and general life style.

Market Viability
'The Cup' is designed for general users who know how to use a 'cup'. It means that this design may appeal to every body from children to senior citizens. Moreover this new PC can create broad market place because it has huge viable target and market potentially. Everybody may approach, Everybody can be target.

General cup size

Overview of Design
'The Cup' is innovative PC design in terms of following form and functions of physical and instinctive interface of cup. In other words, the operation of this new PC follows certain behaviours when people use cups. Such as contain, collecting, piling and pouring water into other cups, 'PC' has functions of storing, sharing and organising information. As reflecting a metaphor of cup into PC, 'The Cup' may be creative but easy to use for majority of users.

User & Context
Accordingly the concept of PC will be changed from high technology tool to every-day stuff in accordance with development of technology. It should be more casual, not complicated and give some analogue attachment.
Especially, the importance of electric information will be more increased and users want to share, store and show their knowledge to others regardless of time and place. The group of ‘The Cup’ user may use this new PC as a their friendly small PC. Like drinking a cup of tea with their friends and family, they will share, store and organize their information via ‘The Cup’.

Scenarios of Use
'The Cup' is innovative PC design in terms of following form and functions of physical and instinctive interface of cup. In other words, the operation of this new PC follows certain behaviours when people use cups. Such as contain, collecting, piling and pouring water into other cups, 'PC' has functions of storing, sharing and organising information. As reflecting a metaphor of cup into PC, 'The Cup' may be creative but easy to use for majority of users.

User Interface
A majority people know how to use a cup. It is indicative, intuitive and instinctive. 'The Cup' came from the commonness between usage of cups and the way of dealing with information of PC. As a usage cups, sharing information, saving and organising, It may be the easiest PC in the world.

Through the simple and soft design, users will get more comfortable emotion. Especially without complicated keyboard, lines and surrounding devices and combination with daily object, this new PC will be converted our innovative device.

Technical Aspects
‘The Cup’ is based on high technology such as holographic touch screen and infrared communication skill. It means that everybody can access computer without connection device such as USB and interaction, store and check the information by only physical behaviours (grapping, filing up and pouring, etc)
This way is intuitive method to be distinguished other previous operation and the strongest thing of this new PC is that anyone can access state of the art PC via analogue object and behaviour.

General PC should be needed space and make complicated interface visually because of surrounding stuffs visually. In other wise, ‘The Cup' is small and 'The Cup' is innovative PC design in terms of following form and functions of physical and instinctive interface of cup. In other words, the operation of this new PC follows certain behaviours when people use cups. Such as contain, collecting, piling and pouring water into other cups, 'PC' has functions of storing, sharing and organising information. As reflecting a metaphor of cup into PC, 'The Cup' may be creative and Hardware is structured and assembled in modules to reduce resource consumption and lower costs, and supply the various service courses.

The technological revolution of this past century made life more affluent and easier. But, many failed to notice just how much of the once-rich global environment was lost in the process. Mankind has come to know the serious effects in recent years and development has finally been launched on various kinds of treatment technologies. A technological revolution is key to reducing the load placed on the environment by human activity. But, it is also necessary to make efforts not to discard materials and think up manufacturing schemes that do not generate waste


2nd Place Judges
Designer(s): Taeho Wang, Minjoong Kim

WITHUS is the computer helping a preschool children shape the right values and human relationship by driving them into playing and learning with multi human interactions. Existing computer environment plays important and useful roles in various areas such as education, work, entertainment, and communication. However, it prevents direct interactions between two human or human and society. It is because current PCs are replacing the past human activities which need real contacts among people. It makes more difficult for young children to grow as an adult with right value and personality.
WITHUS solves the above problems of current PC environment. A kid as a user is attracted to enjoy more various and interesting contents with their friends by physically connecting his/hers with friends’ WITHUSes. Various firsthand experiences and collaborative activities through WITHUS promote the kids to grow as a social being by learning cooperation and compromise

It is necessary that growing children learn right values and thoughts, respect of different opinions, and diversity of society through various activities and interactions with other people, not with PC. However, though current computer environment is providing users with various and efficient functions, it prevents much more valuable direct-interactions with others.
The goal of WITHUS as the new paradigm is voluntarily bringing the kids together to play with. WITHUS provides computer environment where children can enjoy various and interesting plays and learn from it by physically connecting friends’ WITHUSes with his/ hers. Connection among WITHUSes drives users into direct interactions with others in real environment, not indirect interactions with others or between a user and PC in virtual environment. These direct and multi interactions driven by WITHUS play important roles for young children to build right values and better sociality.

Users’ Culture & Lifestyle
4 to 6-year-old preschool children grow both mentally and physically as they play with their peer group. According to many prominent researchers, as children play with friends, they develop cognitively, socially, and physically. They learn via exploration, trial and error, collaboration, experimentation, role-playing, and pretending. These have also been evidenced by the recent strong emphasis on play in the curriculum of U.S. preschools. However, the children surrounded by various digital devices these days grow not by going through cognitive process with direct and physical experiences but by experiencing virtual information. A study shows that these children tend to avoid direct relationship with others and fear trial and error.
Until today, technology has been providing only convenience without considering the relationship between users and in society. Now, it is the time that technology should promote users to interact directly with humans in real environment.

Market Viability
Nowadays, parents’ interest and investment in education for their children has been continuously growing. However, current products prevent the children from doing physical activities and direct interactions with friends which are critical to them in their growth period.
In this situation, WITHUS will be the innovative alternative of current child computers which gives both parents and children satisfaction and enjoyment. ‘Extension’ and ‘Share’ as the critical keywords of the concept will provide powerful market viability. Only with one unit of WITHUS, it fully functions as a child PC and appeal to the market, but various, interesting, and unique experiences provided by multi-connected WITHUSes will continuously induce consumers to purchase them, which increase the market share. Its functions of playing and learning with peer children and will not only appeal to parents but also the children’s education institutes which should provide quality education and play.

Main body: 220mm x 220mm x 45mm
Stylus: 95mm (H) x 35mm (Ø)

Overview of Design
While the advanced technology has made the environment for children to play without friends, it has disconnected them with society. WITHUS is the child computer to solve the problem of current PC. WITHUS overcomes the limitations of current PCs by physical connection and disconnection. Easy connectivity among individual WITHUSes provides the most appealing environment for the collaborative plays such as board game, drawings, puzzle game, block stacking game, and so on. Also, easy transformation into polyhedral structures overcomes the limitation of current 2D display. According to the extended scale and structure, children are provided with more effective and innovative user environment for playing and learning.
In every disconnected WITHUS, contents including the process and result of today’s interactions and learning with friends are saved as history. Through the history, parents can share what their children have played and learned during the day and children with their children.

User & Context
The target users will be 4 to 6-year-old preschool children. Generally, the children in this growth period learn sociality through firsthand interaction with friends. However, the young children getting accustomed to playing only with PCs are becoming more and more individualistic or egoistic.
WITHUS solves the problems by providing the environment to voluntarily bring the kids together and play together. The stylus that comes with a main body offers the optimum product usability to children. Children can enjoy more various, interesting, and unique plays through connecting their WITHUSes each other. They can play various, creative, and collaborative plays such as drawing big pictures, playing puzzle games and board games on touch screen with the stylus. Once they are disconnect after finishing the play with friends, the process and results of games are automatically saved. After getting back home, children share their today’s activities with their parents.

Scenarios of Use
5-year-old Amy always carries her WITHUS whenever going to kindergarten. In kindergarten, she makes a big interactive digital canvas by connecting hers with her friends’ WITHUSes. She draws a big picture on it with her friends by using a stylus. After finishing it, they decide to play puzzle. The drawn big image is divided into pieces for a puzzle game. She cooperates with her friends and drags some pieces of image to place them onto the right position. To play block stacking game, she restructures connections of WITHUSes with friends into a cube.
After she gets back home, she brags about what she drew and the melody she made with friends by showing the screen of WITHUS to her mom. Through this, her mom can see how and what Amy plays and learns at kindergarten. So, she is very satisfied and pleased with the fact that Amy is growing and learning sociality interacting with friends. In bed, she has already decided to use pink color for roly-poly stylus as her marker in the board game.

User Interface
WITHUS is controlled by perfect touch screen and stylus. Children can draw pictures and write down characters on the screen with various colors by rotating the knob of stylus as they do with a set of color crayons and sketch books. The images on the screen can be move by hands or stylus according to the various games, with feedbacks. Also, it can be inserted and stored in the back of main body to prevent children from easily losing it. Rounded top of stylus gives easy and comfort grip to the young children who have not been accustomed to how to grip a pencil yet.

As for connections among WITHUSes, connecting bars automatically slide out from the body when two pairs of two sensors on each side contact together at the same time. They are disconnected by touching the buttons for three second automatically appears on the. All of the interfaces were designed as simple and intuitive as possible considering the characteristics of children.

It is designed to attract children at a glance, considering its characteristic of child product. Its square display gives children more stable and toy-like friendly images. Comparing to adult products with straight lines, big curvature of four rounded legs on the back appeal children with interesting shape and provide them with stable use. Four edges of display were designed roundly, considering the children’s characteristics including that they don’t work on delicate tasks, can get easily hurt from sharp edges, and frequently drops and damages the devices. On the front part, no buttons and details are place to provide children a display as wide as possible.
The stylus with interesting shape like a roly-poly provides children with comfort grip and fun. The LEDs on the both ends and in the middle of stylus attract children to touch and grip.

Technical Aspects
The synchronizing technology of data and display among multiple WITHUSes is the critical technology, though most functions of WITHUS can be embodied with current technology. Due to the technology, data in a unit of WITHUS are naturally shown on connected displays and data produced from multiply connection with WITHUSes are automatically saved and perfectly retrieved in individual units.
Also, tangible interface technology, which makes it possible to drag and move images from one part of the display to another parts by hand or stylus on connected displays of WITHUSes, is essential. In addition, the accuracy of color and character recognition technologies by tracking the movement of the stylus is very important for WITHUS to perfectly function.

If WITHUSes are widely spread, it would radically reduce the amount of consumptions of plastics and papers which have been used to produce current children products such as storybooks, sketch books, puzzle games, toys, board games, etc. It is because WITHUS replaces many of current children products. Especially, the amount of paper consumption can be reduced because WITHUS’ quality touch screen and stylus perfectly replaces the sketchbooks, notebooks, and crayons which are ones of most frequently used children products.

WITHUS provides no redundant or unnecessary functions and specs with children. Many current child PCs are just modified version of general PCs in terms of external design and size. In this case, overproduction of unnecessary functions and parts for children exerts a bad influence on our environment. But, due to its best suitability for children in terms of functions and specs, it will reduce the waste of resources without overproducing needless functions and parts.

In terms of production, most of parts including external housing of main body and stylus body will be easily manufactured by using an injection molding method for mass production with rubber-coated ABS to protect it from friction or any impact that might happen. Also, on the back of main body, vents are symmetrically located for effective thermal cooling. Basically, WITHUS uses flash memory in place of the standard hard-disk drive. The use of flash gives three side benefits to WITHUS: much less power consumption, lighter weight, and less noise.

Source: Next GenPc

Napkin PC

1st Place Judges Award & Chairman’s Award Winner
Designer(s): Avery Holleman

The Napkin PC aims to bring out the creative passion of the user both individually and in group sessions. It encourages spreading out and allows for multiple creative workflows that can interact or just as easily stay independent. It encourages group interaction and collaboration by allowing any number of interfaces that can be passed around or pinned up, but which all communicate with a central network.

Users’ Culture & Lifestyle
The primary users are creative professionals including those in any field of design, but also expanding to include business and marketing professionals who use creative thinking to come up with business plans or marketing campaigns.

Their primary need is to have a simple system to help keep their creativity moving and maintain good collaborative communication. They want to drink a cup of coffee, pick up a pen and let their creativity flow, without having to sit down later to actually document and organize the information later.

The Napkin PC is a continuously additive system, where each new idea is already documented and organized with references and connections to related ideas. In addition each Napkin interface is an instant portal to the entire network giving quick and easy access and sharing of ideas and reference material.

Market Viability
The design appeals to business professionals. It is ideal for work groups of around 6 people (a typical brainstorming meeting) although the system is easily expandable for larger business.

The viable markets are any business that works with creative professionals. Any company that relies on brainstorming and group collaboration would benefit from using a Napkin PC.

A secondary market is creative professionals who work alone or in smaller groups, but who want the same ability to spread out and use multiple workflows.

See page titled “Dimensions”

Napkin interface: 180mm x 180mm x 2mm
Pen stylus: 140mm x 9mm x 10mm
Base station: 160mm x 150mm x 150mm
Mobile station: 45mm x 36mm x 15 mm

Overview of Design
The Napkin PC is innovative because of its multi-flexibility. It can have multiple users, multiple interfaces, and multiple configurations. It breaks the PC down to only the interface— a pen and a space— and then gives you a multitude of both so you can let your creativity run wild.

User & Context
The users are creative professionals who work in collaborative groups. The PC is designed to be used for brainstorming, ideation, meetings, think tanks, etc. — anywhere where creativity is the driving force.

Scenarios of Use
There are two new usage scenarios delivered by the PC. First is the brainstorming workflow. Creativity that normally starts on paper and whiteboards goes instead directly into the PC without the user changing their behavior. This creativity is richer because of the innumerable software tools and resources available on every Napkin interface. It can also be shared, compiled, and compared instantly for a smooth, speedy workflow.

The second scenario is a replacement for printing. Instead of ever putting ink on paper, the interfaces themselves instantly become “prints” when power is removed. They would then be used just like a print, pinned up, handed around, reviewed, etc. When the print is no longer needed the interface is simply returned to the base station as a fresh Napkin.

User Interface
The interface consists of any number of Napkins and one of the Pens. When powered by the Pen, the Napkin is a multi-touch input display which responds to human touch as well as the Pen. The intuitive use of a pen and paper is exploited by the design, making it very easy to use. Also the ability to work on multiple interfaces in parallel, instead of shuffling through windows on a single interface, makes multitasking much easier.

The Base station is designed to interact like a napkin holder. The user can grab an interface from the stack in the middle of the table. The computer itself is somewhat hidden in the Napkin holder, its only reminder being the OLED status display on the front. The user only really interacts with the Napkins and the Pens. This helps them maintain hands-on, creative freedom. The square Napkin form is used because it is modular, but also because it conveys the idea of being one of many. This helps the user stay relaxed and open minded because less importance is put on a single interface.

Technical Aspects
The key technologies are full color e-Paper, multi-touch input, Inductive power circuits, and high speed RF wireless connections. The e-Paper is key because of its low power consumption, thinness and flexibility, and ability to retain an image without power. Multi-touch is simply the future of intuitive input that makes the PC fun, fast, and easy to use. The inductive power circuits are crucial because they allow wireless power transfer and make the interface Napkin simple and inexpensive enough to be used in large numbers. High speed RF continues to keep everything wireless and intuitively seamless.

The environmental sustainability of the PC is most innovative with the Napkin interface. It is the most numerous component and the one most likely to need replacing due to wear over a few years. Therefore it is beneficial to make it easy to recycle which is accomplished by powering it with an inductive circuit. This eliminates a hard-to-recycle internal battery.

The second, and likely more impactful, innovation is the use of the interface as an instant “print.” This eliminates the need for printers, paper, and ink, which are used in large amounts during the creative process.

The focus of the design is really in the interface – the Napkin and the Pen. Both have very limited actual function because they only relay information between the user and the base station. The Napkins are manufactured by adhering the layers of touch input, display, and power/communication circuit, between a protective plastic cover. The pens have a similar induction circuit and communication antenna set up along with a rechargeable battery to send power to the interface. The Base Station holds the actual PC, which is compact but powerful enough to handle multiple users.

Source: Next Gen_Pc